We offer a wide range of products and services to make your business organization more
efficient and more productive. Although guaranteed to work, the solutions we offer are
affordable to small and medium-sized organizations.
Time is gold, as they say. We don’t waste your time or ours. Our track record of delivery
is from 14 to 20 days once we have all the data we need.
Web Development
Developing a website is not as easy as some may think. You see a lot of
websites that hardly get any attention and that is because web development is
more than getting nice pictures to go with the right words. We do not just design
the right look for your website but we also pull our muscles to ensure high traffic
of online visitor. We collaborate with you in providing content that provides all
the relevant information about your business, products and services, and help you
attract attention online.
We can also maintain your website to ascertain it remains relevant to
prospective clients on the Internet. But you can also manage your website because we make things easy for even the most non-technical person in your organization
through simple content management systems (CMS).
Our services under web development include:
- Website Design
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- CMS (Content Management System)
- Automatic web hosting for one year
Software Development
We develop software that will help you operate more efficiently as a business organization. Our main goal is to come up with innovative solutions that are meant to improve your efficiency and productivity.
We produce customized online and local-based applications that are tailor-fit to your needs. Our portfolio includes online billing solutions and PT monitoring systems for home health companies.
Our products and services are all within the affordable range for small and medium business organizations because empathize with your growing pains.
Web Hosting
We have state-of-the-art equipment and servers, all US-based, that are maintained by dedicated IT professionals 24-hours a day, seven days a week, soyou need not worry about your online data. We assure security and redundancy with our hosting services at very minimal costs. Our clients get unlimited e-mail and 50 MBPS bandwidth with 50 MB free, which can be upgraded, of course.
System Network Consultation (only for Chicago land area)
We have the best people to provide one-on-one system network and consultations to help you grapple with information technology problems.
We have expertise in:
▫ Hardware upgrades
▫ Mobile computing
▫ Networking
▫ Database development/management
▫ Data conversion
▫ Data retrieval (from damaged hard drives)
▫ Backup solutions
▫ Special projects
▫ Technical support for PCs or Macs
▫ Training
▫ Virus or spyware removal
▫ Time and attendance tracking
▫ VPN / remote solutions
Logo Design and Graphics Editing
Wondering how to best present your business organization can be time consuming and mind boggling. We can save you the hassle and design logos and graphics for your online marketing collaterals.
Home Health Billing (Chicago land area only)
The billing and collection aspect in the operation of a home health agency is a problematic area. Our team includes trustworthy and highly competent accountants who can process patients’ data to come up with accurate and prompt billing statements. We safeguard the financial health of your organization so you can more effectively take care of the health of your clients.
Home Health System Operation (Chicago land area only)
Lean is mean, and this is true among home health agencies, too. Many home health operations need to streamline operations, rationalize functions and implement strategies to maximize collectibles and income.
We can help you with regard data entry, data collection, data security and anything involving systems operations of home health agency/office.